DIY Bike Rack

RV lifeRV Remodel

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While preparing to hit the road full time, we knew we wanted each of us to have bikes to ride as we traveled.

I (Rachel) am the only one who doesn’t love bike riding like the rest of the family, but like with all things related to his adventure, I’m willing to try new things. Yes, bike riding is new for me – I didn’t grow up biking much. In fact, I fell off my bike once when I was 11 and didn’t back on until I was in my twenties.

We originally attached a bike rack to the back bumper of the travel trailer. We also mounted our spare tire back there as well. Unfortunately, after only a few stops, we noticed the weight was beginning to pull the bumper off!

As with most of our RV projects, this one became a DIY project as well.  Nick researched YouTube to find a way he could put a rack over the top of our retractable truck bed cover. It turned out great and has held up well. I like that we can always see the bikes and not wonder if they’ve fallen off the back of the trailer.


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