RV Travel Trailer Renovation Part Two

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This renovation business is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. We spent hours and hours sanding, priming, painting and repairing water damage.  And when I say we about that water damage – I mean Nick. FULL 8 hour days some days to fix our biggest surprise yet.

We thought we’d just reseal the front corners, and did NOT expect to need to rip off the entire front of the trailer and repair the crumbling sub-floor of the camper. Who knew that little soft spot inside our bedroom corner would end up needing this much work to fix? Certainly not us.

Once we uncovered this massive amount of damage, we realized getting to Florida for our paperwork was not in the cards. Instead, we tried to take care of things via mail. It looked simple enough, but we ran in to quite a few hiccups. (That story will have it’s own blog and video)

Even though we couldn’t make a trip to Florida, we still planned to tow the trailer out to Lake Tahoe for an upcoming wedding in October – we still had a deadline to work towards which put the pressure on us to finish all the things. Time was slipping away and cabinet doors were still unpainted and the new flooring hadn’t been laid yet. Stay tuned for our next video where we tackle those projects.

Renovation Part One

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