The Big Move: Padova to Winchester


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We made it! From Italy to the US with all four of us, one dog, two large suitcases, four boxes, three carry-ons, and four personal items. Whew!

The total travel time was shorter than our last two international trips. Just one short layover after a quick flight to Frankfurt and then a nine hour trip to Baltimore. However, that long flight felt extra long with no in-seat personal entertainment screens. We didn’t load tablets or computers with movies because we figured in 2017 all planes were equipped with screens for international flights. Nope. We were only flying during a few of our girls’ sleeping hours, so things did seem a little long. But we survived. I always tell my girls it’s good to be bored. I was the most bored.

While we got cheap flights with short travel time, we wouldn’t recommend Condor Airlines to friends. Leg space, food options, and service were pretty lacking in our opinion. Make sure you watch the video for a better feel of the “Condor Airlines experience.”

Lots of people asked about how Bella did on her first flights. She did great. The first flight was just a little over an hour and was no big thing. By hour four of the long flight she was DONE. So done.

My parents and brother picked us up in two cars to fit all of our travel gear and we made the 2ish hour drive back to my parent’s house. As always with a long international flight, we were thankful to be able to crash into bed and begin the recovery period.


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