We’re Not Alone – Fulltime Family RV Rally

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Last year, when this traveling fulltime around the country in an RV was just a dream and idea, we sat in our living room and watched video after video on YouTube as research. We were surprised to find that this idea we had wasn’t so crazy after all. There were quite a few other families already doing it – and documenting it for us.

One night we watched Less Junk More Journey’s video of a Fulltime Family rally. A meet up of other families traveling full time. There were so many families doing what we wanted to do! We decided right then we’d find this group and plan our launch date based on attending the next year’s rally.

We became Fulltime Family members a few months before we set off and booked our tickets for the East Coast rally in March. One month after hitting the road.

If you’re thinking about traveling fulltime or already do, we HIGHLY recommend joining fulltime families and attending a rally. I described it a mix of summer camp and speed dating – tons of fun activities + lots of opportunity to meet new people. For this introvert it was out of my comfort zone. However, so worth it to make connections with other families and even my introverted self had a great time.

While preparing for the weekend rally, we heard some families were staying at the campground for an entire month to save money and hangout longer. After moving fast in our first month we were ready to slow down for a bit and decided we’d stay a full month as well.

That was a fantastic decision! We eased into the rally crowd and made some deeper connections with those who stuck around like us. There were potlucks or bonfires almost every night and Mariah was able to celebrate her birthday with her new friends. If you plan to attend a rally, give yourself some time before and after to transition in and out of the full schedule of fun.

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